Welcome to Kingfishers class page. I will post useful information here, such as project letters and webs, and links to learning resources. If you need to contact me, please feel free to catch me at the start or the end of the day, or email me.
PE Days
We will be doing PE on Wednesday and Friday. Please send your child in wearing their PE kit. Please make sure they have weather-proof trainers, blue joggers and their school jumper or cardigan if it is chilly.
Book Changing Day
We will change reading books every Friday. Please listen to your child at least 3 times with each book. We will add the new words to their homework book on Friday too.
Library Day
The children will get a library session every Tuesday. Please bring the book back each week.
Home Learning Books
Home learning books are due in each Friday. The children’s learning will be checked and we will put another sticker into their book.
Term 4
In term 4 we will be exploring our local environment and the contrasting parts of the UK. We will explore what rural, city and coastal mean and compare the similarities and differences of them. We will research and learn about the Brunel and his significance in history and read a range of books such as Mrs Noah's Pockets and Storm Whale. Our investigation this term, for science, will be the best materials to use for a tent and we are looking forward to testing a range of materials for this.
Lent Charity
This Lent we will be fundraising for CAFOD as part of their Big Walk. Please consider either collecting money through Lent as part of your Lenten promise.
Term 3
Performance, Poetry and Paint
In Term 3 our learning will be based on 'Performance, Poetry and Paint'. We will be exploring these areas in different ways and learning about artists such as Picasso, Matisse and Kandinsky. We will enjoy an exciting 'Science Day' and will take part in a variety of experiments and investigations linked to our learning in this area. We have some wonderful books to share, including The Bear and the Piano by David Litchfield.
Please find below some useful documents and links to help you child with their learning at home.
Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised