Oldfield Lane, Bath, Avon, BA2 3NR

01225 303990

FGB Meetings

10th December 2024 

A main area of discussion was the ongoing impact of a cyber attack on the school in October and the work being done to recover from this and ensure mitigations are in place to avoid a future attack. The Heads' report shared a full summary of the incident and the actions from this. 

The school's Challenge Support Partner from the BANES council visited the school in the autumn and shared her positive feedback on the curriculum development taking place in the school as well as ongoing developments with classroom engagement and modelling. 

There was a further update on the academisation process and Governors were updated on the second parent meeting. Governors confirmed the resolution to become part of DCET and more information on the next steps in the process will be shared with parents in January. 

Governors also approved the appointment of Carolyn Cooper as the new staff governor. Carolyn will be joining the Governing Board from January. 

A number of governors fed back about recent link visits to the school and there was a discussion about upcoming plans for future visits plus a discussion on how best to track and capture the information and action from these link visits. 


24th September 2024 

As the first order of business was Governor electing the Chair and Vice-Chair for 24-25 school year. Michele Tayler and Patrick Weaver were unanimously re-elected as Chair and Vice Chair respectively. 

The Heads shared their termly update report and focused on the new PPA provision and staffing updates. Though early in the term, the school was happy with the new PPA cover in place and the newly appointed SENCO. Another success area is new income generation via the lettings of the astro pitch and hall outside of school hours. Governors heard more details about the improving financial position of the school and thanked the school staff for their work on this. 

A lengthy discussion was had about the academisation process and consultation period for St John's to join the Dunstan Catholic Trust in April 2025. The Governors reflected on the comments and discussions of an earlier parent meeting and considered their feedback and how to best share it with DCET. 

In addition, the proposed 26-27 admission arrangements from the Diocese were reviewed and a timeline shared for stakeholder consultation. 

Governors thanks school staff for a successful return to school and positive start to the year. 


9th July 2024

Governors reviewed the Heads' Report and congratulated the school team on the outstanding academic results, particularly with Year 6 SATS which were above the national average. As well, Headteachers shared with Governors the updated School Development Plan for 2024-25 and discussed the key objectives and goals for the scohol in the coming academic year. 

Other key strengths from the 23-24 year was consistently high pupil roll and successful forest school provision. Governors are discussed a number of areas of changing coming for the school including a new catering provision and new uniform supplier. Looking ahead to 24-25, Governors were interested to learn more about the revised PPA provision which will include specialist sports coaching for children. 

Father Robert has been working closely with the school and building on the strong Catholic ethos and community in place and leading a number of school-wide and class worship sessions. 


7th May 2024 

The Headteachers’ Budget Report was presented including energy and staffing costs alongside building and maintenance. The budget was approved by the governors. The Pupil Premium Spending Plan and Devolved Formula Capital Grant were presented to the Governors. Also discussed was the staffing plan for 2024-25.

After presentations and discussions, the Governors approved the new catering provide as well as the new uniform provision. 

26th March 2024

Governors welcome new parent governor, Andrew Conway, to his first FGB meeting. 

The Co-Head's shared their summary report and Governors noted the positive Admissions numbers and work being done on the curriculum. 

Governors reviewed the attainment data looking at specific cohorts and groups and reflected on how this is reflected in the priorities in the school development plan. 

The Co-Heads shared all the hard work that has been done by the team on the CAFOD action plan which is an important piece of work for the school and Catholic life. 

A number of Governors shared feedback from their recent school visits and planned further visits fro the remainder of the year. 


5th December 2023

The Governors noted the recent parent election and agreed the appointment of new parent governor, Andrew Conway. 

The FGB then reviewed the Headteachers' report noting updates in admissions and attendance as well as staffing changes. 

The Heads shared the updated School Development Plan and the update on the key priorities and actions including engagement strategies in the classrrom and positive changes to the mental health toolkit. 

Governors also reviewed the annual BANES safeguarding audit prepared by the staff and noted all the work being done to safeguard the children. 

There was a discussion about Catholic Distinctiveness and the governors shared their feedback from their link school visits looking at EYFS, SEND, Art and Science. 

Governors also noted the minutes and discussions from the Finance and Premises committee meeting. 

A number of school policies were discussed and approved including Admissions. 

26th September 2023 

Governors welcomed Peter MacDonald as the new, pending foundation governor. 

As first order of business, Michele Tayler and Patrick Weaver were re-elected as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively. 

The Governors reviewed the Headteachers' report noting the strong Term 6 assessment data and the positive outcomes for the children. 

As well, Governors discussed the recent Ofsted inspection and commended the staff and community for a great inspection result. 

The Board also noted the highly anticipated addition of the new Astro for the school and discussed ideas for how to use the improved space. 

In preparation for the year ahead, Governors agreed their link roles and discussed the monitoring visits planned for the upcoming terms. 


11th July 2023 

The Headteachers' presented their report which included details on the improving attendance figures as well as further detail on the staffing structure for 2023-24. 

Governors reviewed the end of year assessment data and results and noted the positive results in a number of areas. 

The School Development Plan for 2023-24 was shared and discussed with Governors as well as the plan for 23-24 Inset days was approved. 

The governing body discussed the successes and challenges from the school year and there was a further update on the plans for the Camino Partnership. 

Governor link roles were confirmed for 2023-24 and it was agreed that there would be parent governor election held in Term 1. 

9th May 2023 

Governors welcomed Vanessa Locke as the new Clerk to Governors. 

The Headteachers’ Budget Report was presented including energy and staffing costs alongside building and maintenance. The budget was approved by the governors. The Pupil Premium Spending Plan and Devolved Formula Capital Grant were presented to the Governors. Also discussed was the staffing plan for 2023-24 and approval of the supply insurance provider. 


28th March 2023 

Governors welcomed David Leonardi as the new Local Authority Governor. 

The Headteachers presented their report to the Governors which included an update on the priorities of the School Development Plan (SDP) and an update on the finances. 

The Teaching and Learning, Finance, and Staffing reports were shared and noted. 

Several link governor visit reports were also circulated. 

Governors noted an update from the most recent Camino Partnership meeting. 


6th December 2022

The Headteachers presented their report to the Governors which included the school profile, admissions, and an attainment summary of the Y6 progress. 

Governors noted the update from the Headteachers on the staff performance management and a date was confirmed for the Co-Head mid-year review. 

Link governors reported on their recent visits to the school and their reports were shared. 

The Headteachers updated Governors on the work being done with the Bath Maintained Schools Hub and there was an update on the Camino Partnership. 

A number of policies were approved including Attendance Policy, Letting Policy, and SEND Policy. 


4th October 2022 

The governors re-elected Michele Tayler as Chair and Patrick Weaver as Vice Chair.  

The Headteachers presented their report to the Governors including the school profile, EYFS Early Learning Goal Summary and Key Stage One and Two attainment.  

The link governors were gone through and established in their different areas. The Governor Action Plan was discussed alongside the School Development Plan.  

The EYFS Link Governor report was highlighted.  

The FGB approved the following policies - Admissions, Child Protection and Safeguarding, Health and Safety, School Uniform, Suspension and Exclusion and First Aid. 

The Camino Group was discussed. 

Any other business included information on policies and mentoring new governors.  


5th July 2022 

The Headteachers’ Report was presented to the Governors including SATs results, school profile attendance data, staffing update and Inset days.  

The link governors were gone through and established in their different areas. 

The questionnaires received from pupils, parents and staff were discussed, alongside the proposal to run the questionnaires again in 3 years. 

There were reports from the Teaching, Leaning and Standards and Finance and Premises Committees. These included the questionnaires, EYFS curriculum, mental health support and RE curriculum, energy costs and residents parking zone. Policies were ratified from both of these meetings - Communications Policy and Lockdown Policy. 

The Camino group was discussed. 

Any other business included thanks to the PTA for the organisation of the fete. 


10th May 2022 

The Headteachers’ Budget Report was presented including energy and staffing costs alongside building and maintenance. The budget was approved by the governors. The Pupil Premium Spending Plan, Devolved Formula Capital Grant and Covid Recovery Funds were presented to the governors. The communications policy for staff was discussed and this would come back to another meeting. Any other business included recruitment to the governing body. 


22nd March 2022 

Tom Simmons was appointed as an Associated Member of the FGB. 

The Headteachers’ Report included the data on the reception year intake, attainment data and attendance, including absences due to Covid 19. 

A few governors had been on training which they found useful and circulated notes on the training. The governor skills audit was also discussed. 

Governors gave a brief report on their recent link visits including, Computing, Science and Pupil Premium. 

There were reports from the Teaching, Learning and Standards (T, L& S) and Finance and Premises (F & P) Committees. These included the Safeguarding Audit 2020/21, energy costs, catering and work that was going to be taking place on the playground. Policies were ratified from both of these meetings - the Amended Child Protection Policy 2021-22, Staff Sickness and Absence Policy 2022-2024 and Dealing with Racial Incidents 2022-2025 were approved.  

The FGB also approved - Governor Code of Conduct 2022-25 (CES Model) and Complaints Policy 2022-25. 

Risk assessments were looked at for trips and had been updated with Covid measures, governors approved the risk assessments. 

The Camino Group was discussed. 

Any other business included parking and parent, pupil and staff voice. 


7th December 2021 

Tom Simmons was appointed as an Associated Member of the FGB. 

The Instrument of Government was reviewed and the governing body is to be reduced from 14 members to 12. 

The Headteachers Report included the School Development Plan, attainment data and attendance, including absences due to Covid 19. 

There will be a governor profile sent out once a month in the newsletter. 

Governors gave a brief report on their recent link visits including, English, RE, Safeguarding, History, Health and Safety, Maths, DT and Art, EYFS, PSHE and SEND.  

The quoracy of sub committees was reviewed and decided to be three members. 

There were reports from the Teaching, Leaning and Standards and Finance and Premises Committees. These included the two year rolling curriculum documents, property and priorities of what need to be done and parking. Policies were ratified from both of these meetings and the Admissions 2023/24 Policy was approved. 

Risk assessments were looked at for trips and had been updated with Covid measures, governors approved the risk assessments. 

Any other business included the CoHeadship and having a meeting to discuss future plans for the governing body.  


12th October 2021  

The FGB met for the first time in person since the start of Covid 19 restrictions in March 2020. 

The governors re-elected Michele Tayler as Chair and Patrick Weaver as Vice Chair. 

The Co-Headteachers presented their report to the Governors including school data, before and after school provision and the pupil premium strategy. The pupil premium strategy noted that although there is still a gap in pupil progress this has closed a little, how funds were spent was highlighted and the support for pupil premium children. More information can be found at here. 

The link governors were gone through and established in their different areas. 

The Admissions, Child Protection and Safeguarding, Health and Safety and Data Protection policies were approved along with the Parent Code of Conduct. 

The Covid 19 risk assessment was reviewed. Any other business included the lettings agreement for before and after school club. 


6th July 2021

Due to Covid 19 restrictions the meeting was held using Zoom.

Maria Bowey was welcomed as the new parent governor.

The Acting Headteacher presented her report including updates on staffing for 2021/22, the school development plan and training for September. It was reported the Rosie Harding would be the staff governor from September. A working group to discuss the Traffic-Parent Questionnaire was highlighted.

Reports were presented from the Teaching, Learning & Standards Committee, including presentations that were made about EYFS and Section 48 by the RE Subject Leader Maths report; and the Finance & Premises Committee, including catering and letting of the hall. Policies agreed at these committees were ratified by the FGB.

Any other business included, school uniform and the SEND report.

Marilyn Strevens and Sara Sampson were thanked for their contribution as foundation governors. The staff governor was thanked for their contribution this academic year.

The Chair of Governors thanked the Senior Leadership team and all staff for their hard work during the difficult academic year.


8th June 2021

Due to Covid 19 restrictions the meeting was held using Zoom.

The Extraordinary meeting was help for the Co-Headteachers to present their vision for how their partnership would work in the next academic year.


11th May 2021

Due to Covid 19 restrictions the meeting was held using Zoom.

The Acting Headteacher presented the Headteacher’s Budget Report including that applications for funding had been successful. The budget was approved by the governors. The Pupil Premium Spending Plan, Devolved Formula Capital Grant and Covid costs were presented to the governors. The Parent Code of Conduct was discussed and this would come back to another meeting. Any other business included, BANES financial support, infant playground, catch up funding, Covid 19 link governor visit, parking and governor terms of office.


23rd March 2021

Due to Covid 19 restrictions the meeting was held using Zoom.

The Acting Headteacher presented her report including 2021/22 admissions and the ongoing situation with Covid 19. Governors started talking about the skills audit for the governors. There was a report on collective worship and RE during Covid.

Catherine Edwards became the Chair of Finance & Premises Committee.

Link Governors reports for Safeguarding, Maths and EYFS were discussed. Reports were presented from the Teaching, Learning & Standards Committee, including a Maths report that was presented to the committee, and the Finance & Premises Committee, including money that would be able to be deployed for building maintenance in the next five to ten years. Policies agreed at these committees were ratified by the FGB.

The Looked after Children and SEND Policies were approved by the committee.

The Camino Multi Academy Trust initial proposals were discussed.


19th January 2021 - Extraordinary FGB

Due to Covid 19 restrictions the meeting was held using Zoom.

The meeting was held in response to the closure of the school to all but keyworker and vulnerable children. The risk assessment was presented by the Acting Headteacher and after due consideration was approved by the FGB. Addenda to the Attendance and Child Protection Policies were agreed.

The governors were updated on the home learning provision in place and plans for this going forward, as well as the Covid testing programme being rolled out to all staff.

1st December 2020

Due to Covid 19 restrictions the meeting was held using Zoom.

The Acting Headteacher presented her report, including updates on the measures in place in response to the ongoing restrictions and the instances of ‘bubble’ closures. The FGB discussed and agreed guiding principles in the case of reduced staff numbers due to isolation and illness.

Reports were presented from the Teaching, Learning & Standards Committee, including the use of the government ‘catch up’ funding, and the Finance & Premises Committee, including the impact of Covid 19 on budgets and expenditure. Policies agreed at these committees were ratified by the FGB.

20th October 2020

Due to Covid 19 restrictions the meeting was held using Zoom.

In the first FGB meeting of the academic year the governors welcomed Rhiannon Lampard as foundation governor designate, and re-elected Michele Tayler as Chair and Patrick Weaver as Vice Chair. The FGB voted to continue holding meetings online.

The Acting Headteacher presented her report. This included the outcomes of the assessments carried out of pupil progress following the extended period of partial closure of the school and the plans in place to tackle issues arising over the coming academic year. The FGB commended the work of the staff and the leadership team in the successful reopening of the school in the current circumstances.

The FGB approved the Standing Orders, Terms of Reference, Code of Conduct and Governor Action Plan. Link governor roles were discussed and the following policies were approved: Admissions, Child Protection & Safeguarding, Whistleblowing, Exclusion and Health & Safety. The Covid 19 risk assessment was reviewed.


14th July 2020 - Extraordinary FGB

Due to Covid 19 restrictions the meeting was held using Zoom.

The meeting was held to discuss and agree the plans to reopen the school fully in September, in line with government guidelines.

The revised risk assessment and associated documents were discussed in detail.

After due consideration the FGB approved the plans to reopen the school.


7th July 2020

Due to Covid 19 restrictions the meeting was held using Zoom.

The FGB welcomed Cheryl Hughes as LA Governor designate, and Catrin Geeson staff representative, pending her taking on the position of staff governor in the next academic year.

The Head Teacher presented her report including an update on the partial opening of the school and the continuing provision of home education. Governor roles and responsibilities were discussed, and reports were presented from the Teaching Learning and Standards and Finance and Premises committees.

Initial plans for the full reopening of the school in September were discussed, along with the draft risk assessment. Key points of these plans were discussed and agreement reached on points including the appropriate ‘bubble’ size and arrangements for clubs and lettings, subject to guidance in place at the time.

The following policies were approved: Safeguarding, Relationship and Sex Education, Admissions


27th May 2020 - Extraordinary FGB

Due to Covid 19 restrictions the meeting was held using Zoom.

The meeting was held to discuss and agree the plans to reopen the school on 1st June for year’s R, 1 and 6 in line with government guidelines.

The BANES return to school checklist, the Return to School risk assessment and School Reopening Plan were all discussed in detail. The FGB also considered the office and kitchen risk assessments, lunch provision and the amended behaviour policy. The Head Teacher provided an update on arrangements for continuing to provide home learning for pupils not in school and provision for key worker and vulnerable children in school.

After due consideration the FGB approved the plans to reopen the school.


 5th May 2020

Due to Covid 19 restrictions the meeting was held using Zoom.

The Head Teacher updated the FGB on the arrangements for home learning, provision of school meals to pupils at home and contact with pupils. The FGB were also updated on staff patterns of working at home and in school, and the arrangements for the small number of pupils in school.

Outline plans have been drawn up for reopening of school, pending government guidance

The safeguarding policy has been updated as required to take account of the current circumstances and this was approved. The FGB approved the budget for 2020-21, and approved the Pupil Premium spending plan. The potential redevelopment of the neighbouring Wansdyke business park was discussed and a preliminary response was agreed.

The leadership and staffing structure during the Head Teacher’s forthcoming maternity leave was discussed and agreed, along with plans to put this structure in place.


17th March 2020

The meeting was held prior to the government’s decision to close schools due to the Covid 19 outbreak.

The FGB welcomed Lizzie Creevy as clerk. The following policies and documents were approved: Staff Wellbeing policy, Continuity Plan, Science Policy, Safeguarding Audit. Schools Financial Value Standards submission. The Head Teacher’s report was received.

The majority of the meeting was then spent on plans regarding the Covid 19 outbreak, in response to guidelines in place on the day. The decisions made included the procedures whilst the school remained open, such as and increase in hand washing and suspension of collective worship and events involving parents. The staff to pupil ratios necessary to keep the school open in the event of staff illness or self isolation were agreed. Outline procedures were agreed for providing school work at home in the event of a school closure, along with expectations of staff and the core functions that are needed to continue.


3rd December 2019

The FGB welcome Cassie Reis as a parent governor, and Mike Summerfield as pending appointment as foundation governor.

The Head Teacher presented her report including progress against targets. In particular the introduction of ‘Gem Powers’ and attendance figures were discussed. Link governor roles were reviewed and updated and the FGB noted points from a number of link governor visits.

A report was received from the Finance and Premises committee regarding the budget position and maintenance priorities for the school building. An update was received on the Camino partnership, of which the Head Teacher is currently in role as the Chair. The admissions policy was approved in principle, to be ratified at a later date. The governors approved the risk assessment for the Skern trip


24th September 2019

In the first FGB meeting of the new academic year, governors welcomed Fr Christopher Whitehead to the governing body and re-elected Michele Tayler as Chair and Patrick Weaver as Vice Chair.

The Head Teacher presented her report and priorities for the forthcoming academic year were discussed, with the main new focus being on maths. The FGB approved the Standing Orders, Memorandum of Understanding, Terms of Reference and Governor Action plan, as well as reviewing and approving the land use agreement between the Diocese and the school regarding the new forest school area. Link governor roles going forward were discussed, the risk assessment for the forthcoming Kilve residential trip was approved and the following policies were approved: Health & Safety, Data Protection, SEN and school uniform

The FGB extended congratulations to the staff and Head Teacher for the result of the recent Diocesan RE inspection and thanked them and the relevant governors for their input into this.