Oldfield Lane, Bath, Avon, BA2 3NR

01225 303990


Class teachers: Mrs F Sanders and Mrs H Paradise

Emails: fsanders@stjohns.bathnes.sch.uk and hparadise@stjohns.bathnes.sch.uk

Please include both teachers in emails which are sent into school 

Mrs Sanders teaches Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Mrs Paradise teaches Thursday, Friday

Welcome to Owl class page!

We will post useful information here, such as project letters and webs, and links to learning resources. 

Please find below the class timetable for 2024-25

Owl Class Timetable 2024-25

Home Learning Books

Home learning books (orange exercise books) are due in each Monday. The children’s learning will be checked and we will put another sticker into their book. Please ensure your child puts their home learning book into the tray in the classroom. 


PE Days

Our class PE days are Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure your child comes dressed in their PE kit with suitable, weatherproof trainers on both of these days. Please ensure your child has blue jogging bottoms and their school jumper for cold days. 


Library Day

Our class library day is Wednesday. Your child will have the opportunity to change their library book on this day. Please ensure your child puts their library book into the tray in the classroom. 


Reading Book Changing Day 

Your child needs to bring in their reading book and reading record book every day. We will change books each week as follows:

Year 1 - Thursday

Year 2 - Friday

Please read at least three times a week with your child, and jot it down in the reading record book. 

Term 5

 Nature Detectives

In term 5 we will be looking at what is growing in our school environment as well as learning about habitats and microhabitats. We will look at season weather changes, looking at what happens when spring turns to summer and how the days lengthen. We will learn some names of common trees, flowers and animals and look at artwork from Hokusai and Kandinsky.


Project Web - Nature Detectives.docx

Project Letter - Journeys.docx

Term 4


In term 4 we will be exploring our local environment and the contrasting parts of the UK. We will explore what rural, city and coastal mean and compare the similarities and differences of them. We will research and learn about the Brunel and his significance in history and read a range of books such as Mrs Noah's Pockets and Storm Whale. Our investigation this term, for science, will be the best materials to use for a tent and we are looking forward to testing a range of materials for this.

Lent Charity 

This Lent we will be fundraising for CAFOD as part of their Big Walk. Please consider either collecting money through Lent as part of your Lenten promise.

Project Letter - Journeys


Term 3

Performance, Poetry and Paint

In Term 3 our learning will be based on 'Performance, Poetry and Paint'. We will be exploring these areas in different ways and learning about artists such as Picasso, Matisse and Kandinsky. We will enjoy an exciting 'Science Day' and will take part in a variety of experiments and investigations linked to our learning in this area. We have some wonderful books to share, including The Bear and the Piano by David Litchfield. 

Term 2


In Term 2, we will base our learning around Castles. We will look at both fictions and non-fictions books about Castles, Dragons and Princesses. Our project will be looking at maps, choosing the best materials for castles in Science and designing and making our own Castles for DT.


This term we will also be practising and performing the Nativity play.




Term 1 

Tell Me a Story

In Term 1 our learning will be based on some of our favourite stories. The books we are looking at will be - The Day the Crayons Quit by Oliver Jeffers, Tree by Britta Teckentrup, Stardust by Jeanne Willis and a selection of poems written by Michael Rosen. We will also be exploring art by William Morris and Andy Warhol as well as exploring changes in the seasons and nature around us.