Oldfield Lane, Bath, Avon, BA2 3NR

01225 303990

Welcome Message 


At St John's Catholic Primary School our aim is for all children to, 'Shine, celebrate and grow!' We are dedicated to ensuring that your child has the best possible education, through high quality teaching within a rich and engaging curriculum.   

This website has a wealth of information for current parents and prospective parents.  For current parents each class has their own dedicated class page, where you will find out more about your child's learning in school, you can also find letters, dinner menus, extra curricular information and much much more.  For prospective parents there are pages dedicated to our Early Years, giving you a taste of life at St John's.  However, there is no better way to find out more than coming to visit and seeing our amazing school in action.  For further enquiries please contact the school office via phone: 01225 303990 or email: office@stjohns.bathnes.sch.uk


Kind regards,

Mrs Bennett and Mr Simmons
